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Return & Refund Policy

Thank you for shopping at Simpliciti Global.

Something wrong with your purchase? We’re here to help.

What's your return policy?

Our store only offers refunds for damaged goods or missing parcels.

Instead of returning items, you can contact us for a full refund. Why? Returns run counter to our emphasis on sustainability; every return has a carbon footprint. So just tell us what went wrong, send along a picture of the broken or defective product (if applicable) and we'll give you your money back in full. You will receive the credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your card issuer’s policies.Then, if possible, you can donate your product to a local charity or recycle it. 

Can I cancel my order?

Cancellations are possible if you do not receive your package within the time frame specified for each individual product. Sometimes orders get sent out before we can process the cancellation. So if you cancel your order but still receive the package, then please go ahead and do one of the three things: recycle it, donate it or enjoy it. 


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